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Quotas and Limits

General stogare limits

Maximum available storage in TIM10 GBYes (on license level)

Dataset limits

Maximum CSV size100 MBNo
Maximum number of rows in dataset60 000 (default)Yes (on license level)
Maximum number of columns in dataset40 (default)Yes (on license level)

Quota and throttling of ML jobs

To ensure fair distribution of compute resources between all licenses, a priority is assigned to each executed ML job. Jobs with higher priority get access to a TIM Worker's compute time sooner than jobs with lower priority. Each license can execute a certain number (the throttling threshold) of ML jobs of a defined category over a period of 60 minutes with normal priority. When the license exceeds this throttling threshold, the priority for the next executed jobs of this license is reduced. Priority returns back to normal automatically when the license has executed less jobs than the throttling threshold in the last 60 minutes.

Job categoryJob typesNormal priorityReduced priorityThreshold
Apredict, detect5360 ML jobs of category A in last 60 minutes
Bbuild-model (F and AD), rebuild-model (F and AD), retrain-model (F)4212 ML jobs of category B in last 60 minutes
Crca (F and AD), what-if (F and AD)1-No threshold, all jobs are executed with normal priority of category C