TIM Studio
- Various improvements and bug fixes
New features
- System-driven anomaly detection
- Demo data sets automatically available for each license and user
- Vertical and horizontal zoom improvements in charts
New features
- Unified RCA UX for forecasting and KPI-driven anomaly detection
- Added "Share" option on ML job level to simplify access to assets IDs
- Possibility to customize ML job table by selecting table columns
- Icons in the breadcrumb navigation bar
- Workspace tabs
- "Personal user group" renamed to "Personal team"
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug with special characters in workspace name
- Fixed and upgraded experiment table within use case screen
New features
- Time-zone support and bug fixing for all the rendering issues of graphs
- New navigation
- Vertical navigation side menu
- Horizontal navigation breadcrum bar
Bug fixes
- Data in graphs are not shifted to a local time-zone of a user anymore. This was confusing. Dataset time-stamps are displayed either in dataset`s own time-zone or in their plain original form if no time-zone was specified. More details are available in the Time-zone support section.
v5.7.9 [2022-09-20]
Bug fixes
- Resolved hanging anomaly detection experiment page
- Fixed clearing of forecasting job name on resetting configuration
- Improved forecasting horizon validation
v5.7.8 [2022-09-08]
New features
- Reworked and enhanced forecasting configuration card
- Added reset functionality to data-related configuration card
Bug fixes
- Fixed normalization of in-sample and out-of-sample results to happen according to statistics of target/KPI
- Fixed responsiveness of X-axis scale of line chart when switching between dataset versions
- Fixed responsiveness of X-axis scale of line chart when switching between jobs
v5.7.7 [2022-08-24]
Bug fixes
- Fixed responsiveness of iterations table to experiment switching via navigation sidebar
- Fixed responsivenes of determining of initial data configuration settings to experiment switching via navigation sidebar
- Fixed error handling during export of large use case: showed error notification instead of downloading error JSON in .tw file
v5.7.6 [2022-08-24]
Bug fixes
- Fixed deletion of jobs (prevented 404 after deletion)
v5.7.5 [2022-08-23]
New features
- A production evaluation view for forecasting
- Enhanced accuracy metrics cards with fixed row for all (aggregated)
- Reworked and enhanced data-related configuration card
- Updated dataset component on workspace detail/experiment overview pages
- Updated the iterations table so that its small/collapsed version is consistent with that of other cards
- Prevented displaying of timestamps and graph for empty datasets (preparation for allowing empty datasets)
Bug fixes
- Set default out-of-sample range based on the selected target/KPI (instead of the default target/KPI)
- Fixed showing of configuration under Predictors (forecasting) and Influencers (anomaly detection) sections when not set explicitly
- Fixed showing of configuration under Predictors (forecasting) and Influencers (anomaly detection) sections when set using integers (column indices)
- Corrected calculation of variable alignment with scale set to Samples
- Fixed error on edit of user group with empty description passed as null
- Show undefined sampling period when the sampling period is missing (instead of white page)
v5.7.4 [2022-06-22]
New features
- Extended error notifications to show the error code and message
- Automatic token refresh on expiration time in 10 minutes or less instead of 20 minutes or less
v5.7.3 [2022-06-14]
New features
- Allowed dataset (version) download from dataset detail page
- Removed wasImputed column from downloaded datasets
- Imputation
- Extended data transformation dropdown to include imputation
- Removed data sections from configuration cards on experiment pages, removed configuration card for detect jobs
- Dataset detail page
- Only the selected dataset version's status pill is displayed
- Target & availability card is expanded by default
- Removed the latest version status pill
- Removed the sampling period from the details card
- Expand/collapse button of details card is only shown if there is a description
- Experiment page
- Expand/collapse button of details card is only shown if there is a description
- Improved wording: changed "Created" to "Created at" and "Last update on" to "Updated at"
- Better represented experiment page state (build model, detect, iterate) in URL parameters
Bug fixes
- Fixed add use case on empty workspace leading to 404 page
- Correctly recognized timestamp format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (instead of yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ) during dataset upload
v5.7.2 [2022-05-17]
New features
- Operation insights views
- Added job ID as URL parameter on experiments page (allowing direct navigation to a job's results)
- For quick forecasting and linking a dataset to a use case, when the dataset has not yet been updated, last updated at reflects createdAt
- Disabled Forecast, Build model and Detect buttons until
(GET /dataset/{id}) has returned
Bug fixes
- Fixed log out on refresh (remember me functionality)
- Fixed user groups show more
- Fixed quick forecast from a dataset's detail page
- Corrected redirecting to originally requested page when redirected to login page
- Fixed receiving multiple notifications on failing AD model-build
v5.7.1 [2022-04-08]
New features
- The bar chart visualization option is replaced by a table view
- Forecasting: the dataset's difficulty is displayed
- Forecasting: each model's quality is displayed
- When opening the ModelZoo Browser on a specific model index, the model's position in the ModelZoo hierarchy is displayed
- The sampling period/timescale of the dataset the ModelZoo was built on is displayed
The treemap labels are expanded to include both the feature/term importance and coefficient
User group owner rights can be granted and removed
- on the user group detail page
- on the user group add page
- on the user group edit page
- Numbers are rounded to three decimals in feature/term names
Bug fixes
- In the RCA residuals line chart, values are shown as missing when the corresponding historical actual value is missing
Anomaly Detection:
- Anomalies are removed from the dataset/results line chart when their perspective is deselected in the anomaly indicators line chart
v5.7.0 [2022-03-31]
New features
- ModelZoo Browser (not available for forecasting models of v5.0 or older)
- Model hierarchy
- Model download functionality
- Model Complexity
- Bar chart visualization option
- Variable insights
- Variable offsets
- Used offsets
- Available offsets
- Unused variables
- Variable offsets
- Improved consistency in visualization of multiple ranges in the iterations table between forecasting and anomaly detection jobs
Bug fixes
- Fixed timezone offset for jobs with absolute ranges
- Fixed displayed in-sample ranges in iteration table
Anomaly Detection:
- Displayed ranges set as relative range in iterations table
- Fixed data availability when switching between dataset versions
- Visualized selected state of iterations in iterations table immediately upon selection (instead of after results are loaded)
v5.6.3 [2022-03-14]
Bug fixes
- Fixed behavior of "Show more" functionality on use case list page/workspace detail page
v5.6.2 [2022-03-08]
New features
- The navigation bar follows a user's current location in the application
- Enabled downloading of job results from the iteration table on an experiment page
Anomaly Detection:
- Enabled downloading of job results from the iteration table on an experiment page
- Sampling periods are displayed in the largest relevant unit instead of in seconds or months only
- Removed navigation bar and top bar from 404 page
- The landing page redirects to default workspace (thereby including workspace editing and use case importing functionalities)
- Removed Apollo dependency and GraphQL layer
Bug fixes
- The navigation bar correctly shows added entities
- The navigation bar correctly removes deleted entities
v5.6.1 [2022-02-04]
New features
- Data availability visualization: scaled value is shown in label on hover
- Allow offsets configuration
- Offset limit configuration
Anomaly Detection:
- Data availability visualization: scaled value is shown in label on hover
- Data availability visualization: scaled value is shown in label on hover
- Default selected in-sample range is removed on initial manual selection of in-sample range(s) in line chart
- Default selected out-of-sample range is removed on initial manual selection of out-of-in-sample range(s) in line chart
Anomaly Detection:
- Default selected in-sample range (model building) is removed on initial manual selection of in-sample range(s) in line chart
- Default selected out-of-sample range (detection) is removed on initial manual selection of out-of-in-sample range(s) in line chart
v5.6.0 [2022-01-17]
New features
- Replaced experiment icons with forecasting icon or anomaly detection icon in navigation bar
Anomaly Detection:
- Timescale and aggregation
- Data availability visualization
- Enabled deleting of datasets from a dataset's detail page
- Absolute out-of-sample range shown by default (instead of relative out-of-sample range)
Anomaly Detection:
- Absolute out-of-sample range shown by default (instead of relative out-of-sample range)
Bug fixes
- Fixed normalization of results: relative to target statistics
Anomaly Detection:
- Fixed normalization of results: relative to KPI statistics
v5.5.2 [2021-12-17]
- Absolute in-sample range shown by default (instead of relative in-sample range)
- First 2/3 of dataset selected as in-sample period by default
Bug fixes
- Fixed rendering of RCA pop-up
- Enabled direct editing of number field for the start of forecasting horizon
- Required a minimal value of 1 for the start of the forecasting horizon
- Fixed rendering of error measures
- Fixed rendering of "Forecasting"/"Classification" label when target is not explicitly set
Anomaly Detection:
- Fixed rendering of RCA pop-up and retrieving of RCA results for out-of-sample normal behavior when the out-of-sample results do not contain anomalies
v5.5.1 [2021-12-10]
New features
- Visual interactive range selection
Anomaly Detection:
- Visual interactive range selection
v5.5.0 [2021-12-10]
New features
- Vertical zooming option in line charts
- Root-cause analysis
- Classification visualization
- Holiday column configuration
Anomaly Detection:
Licenses & Users:
- Placed action components above line on list pages to improve page accessibility
- Status pills of jobs in iterations table can be clicked to open job log
- Disallowed timescale length of 0 in build-model configuration (minimal length 1)
Anomaly Detection:
- Status pills of jobs in iterations table can be clicked to open job log
Bug fixes
- Allowed editing of use case without setting accuracy impact
- Fixed blank page on add user group
- Fixed blank page on edit user group
- Prohibited direct browsing to personal user group edit page
- Prefilled user group selector and workplace selector in "add use case" page with personal user group and default workplace when navigating there from the landingpage
- Fixed copying configuration when iterating on job with in-sample range set in absolute form
- Preselection and predisplay of in-sample and out-of-sample range selection relative to target instead of dataset version
- Showed correct dataset version in configuration card of executed job when not explicitly set upon job creation (latest version at the time was used, but doesn't match current latest version)
Anomaly Detection:
- Preselection and predisplay of in-sample and out-of-sample range selection relative to target instead of dataset version
- Showed correct dataset version in configuration card of executed job when not explicitly set upon job creation (latest version at the time was used, but doesn't match current latest version)
- Fixed editing of dataset
v5.4.6 [2021-10-19]
Bug fixes
- Fixed shortcut of uploading a dataset and linking it to a use case
v5.4.5 [2021-09-27]
- Added user group selector in "add use case" page
- Prefilled user group selector and workplace selector in "add use case" page with currently active user group and workplace, respectively
Bug fixes
- Fixed timestamps (time of creation) displayed for messages in dataset logs
v5.4.4 [2021-09-21]
Bug fixes
- Fixed forecasting configuration option for relative out-of-sample range showing NaN as the amount of samples and incorrect preview ranges when working with monthly data
- Fixed forecasting configuration option for rolling window showing NaN as the amount of samples when working with monthly data
Anomaly Detection:
- Automatically selected the latest dataset version when configuring an anomaly detection detect job
- Corrected displayed out-of-sample period when configuring an anomaly detection detect job
v5.4.3 [2021-09-13]
Bug fixes
- Fixed deployment pipelines
v5.4.2 [2021-09-06]
Bug fixes
- Fixed rich text typing
v5.4.1 [2021-09-03]
- Configuration card closes fully when showing results (by default)
- Improved ordering of in-sample and out-of-sample results in line chart legend: bins before samples ahead, near before far, in-sample before out-of-sample
Anomaly Detection:
- Configuration cards close fully when showing results (by default)
Bug fixes
- Quality slider in Mathematical section of configuration card
- Error measures are removed from page on iterate
- Error measures: first column shows bin names after building model and showing results
- Error measures: first column shows correct amount of samples ahead
v5.4.0 [2021-08-13]
New features
- Samples-ahead view mode
- Switch to hierarchical API responses
Bug fixes
- Direct access to pages containing UUIDs
- Deletion of experiments
- Ordering of dataset versions on dataset detail page
- Ordering of dataset versions on use case detail page
v5.3.0 [2021-07-19]
New features
- Use case exporting functionality
- Use case importing functionality
- Context sensitive documentation and links to more detailed documentation
- Possibility to create a workspace from a user group's detail page
- Possibility to remove a workspace from its detail page
- 'No users found' message when using the search functionality to add users to a user group, when no users are found
Anomaly detection:
- Improved progress message of detection
- Improved handling of required fields in dataset upload/update via SQL
- Improved placement of 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons in the add and update dataset pop-ups
- Improved visualization of data with a combination of lines and markers
Bug fixes
- Fixed formatting of 'Last updated at' timestamps
- Fixed styling of 'Edit workspace' button
- Fixed bug related to deletion of use cases
- Possibility to open results of forecast jobs with status Finished with Warning
- Removed the option to link a dataset to a use case that resides in a different workspace than that of the dataset
v5.2.0 [2021-06-24]
New features
- Quick forecasting functionality: select or upload a dataset and immediately forecast with it from anywhere in the app
- Quick forecasting functionality: immediately forecast with a dataset from its detail page
- Possibility to select the dataset version to build and apply forecasting models on (previously the latest version was always used)
Anomaly detection:
- Possibility to select the dataset version to build and apply anomaly detection models on (previously the latest version was always used)
- Possibility to switch between dataset versions in the dataset detail page
- Made dataset version detail pages directly accessible
- Visualized status of each dataset version in the dataset detail page
Anomaly detection:
- Disabled "Use KPI offsets" when "Use offsets" is set to No
- Disabled dictionaries "Simple moving averages", "Exponential moving averages" and "Time offsets" when "Use offsets" is set to No
- Renamed "Complexity" setting of anomalous behavior models to "Maximum Complexity"
- Updated the maximum bound for the "Maximum Complexity" setting of anomalous behavior models to 30
Bug fixes
- Cancel buttons redirect to origin page
- Edit buttons redirect to origin page
- Experiments are no longer accessible from URLs containing the wrong experiment type
- Fixed updates of status pills
Anomaly detection:
- Fixed updates of status pills
- Improved responsiveness of "Sensitivity" sliders
- Improved responsiveness of "Normalization" switch
v5.1.2 [2021-06-18]
- Recognizing of timestamp formats in CSV files
- Recognizing of CSV separator
- Recognizing of decimal delimitor in CSV files
- Switched location of "Timestamp format" and "Timestamp column" on dataset upload and update pages
Bug fixes
- Fixed updates of page when navigating between workspaces
- Fixed handling of expired tokens
- Fixed rendering of forecasting results for 1 sample ahead forecasts
- Fixed visualization of timescaled forecasts
- Linking of an existing dataset to a use case filters the available datasets by the workspace
- Fixed caching on dataset list page
v5.1.1 [2021-06-15]
- Added always shown labels to treemaps
- Improved consistency of notification colors
- Added "no use case" zone in dataset detail page
- Added possibility to add a use case linked to a dataset from the dataset detail page
- Added possibility to link an existing use case (without a dataset) from the dataset detail page
Bug fixes
- Fixed updating of page content when navigating between workspaces
- Fixed setting and updating of active use case when navigating TIM Studio
- Fixed error when not setting any out-of-sample range
v5.1.0 [2021-06-14]
New features
- General settings allowing personalization of delete confirmation
- Possibility to configure out-of-sample range(s) by setting start and end timestamps (previously only relative range)
Anomaly Detection:
- Added detection functionality (based on a previously built model)
- Added functionality to download a dataset
- Added visualization of progress when uploading and updating a dataset
- Added possibility to update and edit a dataset from the dataset detail page
- Gathered page level actions in an actions component
- Improved visualization of default configuration
- Improved ordering of "Timestamp Column" and "Timestamp Format" in dataset upload page
Bug fixes
- Fixed flow of logging in without checking "Remember me"
- End of forecasting horizon configuration renamed to'End' instead of 'Length'
v5.0.4 [2021-06-04]
- Added date of creation to experiment list in use case detail page in case experiment has not yet been updated
- Option to set prediction intervals (confidence level)
- Automatically select (show) the first bin in the detailed line chart
Bug fixes
- Fixed preview rendering upon changing of CSV separator setting
- Removed option to open empty menu in user group detail page as non-owner
v5.0.3 [2021-06-03]
- Added pagination to lists (user groups, workspaces, use cases, experiments)
- Added date of last update to experiment list in use case detail page
- In model building settings, added '(de)select all' functionality to list of predictors
- Disable selection of target of executed job
Anomaly Detection:
- Improve rendering of threshold in anomaly indicators chart
- Match range of anomaly indicators chart with detailed line chart when using a subset of the dataset as in-sample period
- In model building, use default minimum and maximum sensitivity of 0 and 5
- In model building settings, range sensitivity from 0 to 10
- In model building settings, added '(de)select all' functionality to list of influencers
- Disable selection of KPI of executed job
Bug fixes
- Removed access to user group editing page for non-owners
- Removed defaulting to the personal user group when adding a workspace
- Removed results from page when switching between experiments of the same type
- Added newly added experiments to the list of experiments without the need to refresh the page
- Handle perspectives in anomaly detection model building when using partly manual settings
v5.0.2 [2021-05-27]
Bug fixes
- Displaying of long dataset names in use case detail page
v5.0.1 [2021-05-26]
- Possibility to access the log of a dataset from the dataset list page
Bug fixes
- Displaying of long variable names in configuration cards
- Rescaling of line chart with card width
v5.0.0 [2021-05-18]
New features
- TIM Studio interface built to reflect underlying structure in TIM repository
- Possibility to manage users in user groups
- Possibility to manage work in workspaces, use cases and experiments
- Posibility to update datasets to new versions
- Forecasting model building jobs
- Iterate over forecasting model building jobs
- Support for bins in forecasting results
- Anomaly detection model building jobs
- Iterate over anomaly detection model building jobs
- Intuitive coloring of variables consistent throughout line chart, predictor importances treemap and feature importances treemap
- MLOps: keep track of accuracy metrics over iterations
v2.0.0 [2020-11-02] (deprecated, but still available)
New features
- Dataset exploration screen with tabular view and quick insights
- Dataset size limits decoupled from license limits - it is possible to upload bigger data and explore them
- Support for irregularly sampled data and millisecond data
- Input data can contain duplicate timestamps
- New validators/descriptive error messages guiding users in case of issues with input data
- New hierarchical structure of artifacts
- Use Cases unite all work related to certain business outcome/value (experiments and forecasting)
- Step by step Wizard - create Use Case along with the first Experiment
- Completely new Experiment Workbench screen uniting settings, results, list of iterations, insights and warnings
- Parameters and results of experiments are stored for each Iteration
- New way to define TIM Engine parameters
- Automatic detection of forecasting situation (incl. data availability) from current data
- Dataset versioning - possibility to continue experimenting on prev. version of data after Dataset update
- Enabled settings for TIM Engine: data imputation and min./max. values
- New "dictionaries" for model feature generation: Fourier, Trend, Month, Day of the week
- Seamless transition from experimenting to production - turn experiment iteration to Production setup
- Tooltips with description added to key UI elements (e.g. Math settings in Experiment workbench)
- New way of forecasts management
- New home screen called Dashoard with quick access to the most recent work and Datasets
- History (log) for main artifacts (for creation and modification events)
- Target column is now selected during Use Case/Experiment creation process (not data upload)
- Removed Model Building Definition, settings to TIM Engine are now part of Experiment Iteration
- Anomaly detection functionality not available (will be part of future releases)
- Workspaces not available (will be part of future releases)
- No need to define forecasting situation (routines for data updates or forecasting) upfront
v1.3.1 [2020-03-16] (deprecated, but still available)
New features
- Added export dataset option to dataset detail view
- Added Sunburst chart preview to anomaly Model detail
- In the forecast view, all target values are displayed in the graph
- Number of enabled predictions for model was increased from 19 to 25
- Identity feature in model building definition has the acronym "ID"
- Hidden overview tile on home page
Bug fixes
- Fixed compatibility issues in MS Edge
- Fixed normalization of predictions according to the target
- Several bugs fixed related to dataset update and instant forecasts
v1.3.0 [2020-03-04]
New features
- new screen for dataset upload (user defined timestamp format, target selection etc.)
- Sunburst diagram in model detail view
- data normalization in charts
- export of data displayed in model detail chart
- new dictionaries: Identity and Simple Moving Average
- added option to turn off offsets
- dataset loading speed increased
- not using low quality predictions in anomaly detection
- changed warnings for extreme values coming to prediction to IQR standard instead of relative difference
- turned off Piecewise Linearity dictionary for too short datasets, turned off Weekdays and Weekrest dictionaries for datasets with too few Mondays
Bug fixes
- several bugs fixed related to datasets upload
- fixed bug with predictors that are updated not every day of week