Imagine your business have tens (or even hundreds) of stores spread across multiple locations. Predicting sales for each store, on a regular basis, can be challenging task.
Numbers for each store may be influenced by a slightly different factors, if you have same set of common predictors, constructing a model unique to each store is expected to deliver optimal performance. This approach allows to capture nuances relevant for each store. Machine learning is obvious choice in such case, the question is which approach/technology is right for you. Selecting the best technology has tremendous impact in a long run. One must not forget that areas to be addressed do not stop at accuracy. Think of development and training process, monitoring forecasts quality, scaling from one-to-many stores, transitioning from research through development to operations, gaining ability to add next areas/next level to forecast, robustness of solution in case of defects in data, and other.
This is one of the typical scenarios where TIM can show its power. RTInstantML technology supports learning and forecasting in single call which typically takes (tens of) seconds. In our use case we demonstrate how easy it is to, just with the default settings, predict sales for 50 stores.
We can think of several areas that are expected to gain benefits.
Business objective: | Cashflow/capital management |
Business value: | More timely and informed decisions |
KPI: | Various, e.g. cost of unused (free) cash, cost of sub-optimal order management |
Business objective: | Pro-active coordination of marketing activities |
Business value: | Improve sales |
KPI: | Impact of marketing campaign on sales |
This use case could be adapted to forecasting volumes of individual SKUs/categories, in such case, we could bring following example.
Business objective: | Efficient operations |
Business value: | Optimal staffing, Inventory management, Warehouse utilization |
KPI: | Various, e.g. cost of under/over staffing, impact of delayed orders of certain categories of goods, cost of space in warehouse etc. |
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import json
import datetime
import random
import time
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
import math
import tim_client
Credentials and logging
(Do not forget to fill in your credentials in the credentials.json file)
with open('credentials.json') as f:
credentials_json = json.load(f) # loading the credentials from credentials.json
TIM_URL = '' # URL to which the requests are sent
SAVE_JSON = False # if True - JSON requests and responses are saved to JSON_SAVING_FOLDER
JSON_SAVING_FOLDER = 'logs/' # folder where the requests and responses are stored
level = logging.getLevelName(LOGGING_LEVEL)
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
credentials = tim_client.Credentials(credentials_json['license_key'], credentials_json['email'], credentials_json['password'], tim_url=TIM_URL)
api_client = tim_client.ApiClient(credentials)
There is CSV file for each store, in total 50 CSV files are provided.
Data contains information about turnover (sales), indicator whether store was open, if marketing campaign was running, or whether there was a holiday in given day.
Data are sampled daily.
Column name | Description | Type | Availability |
Timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp column | |
Sales | The turnover per each day | Target | t+0 |
IsOpen | Binary value indicating if store was open (1) or closed (0) | Predictor | t+48 |
IsCampaign | Indicating if marketing campaign was running, binary values 0 or 1 | Predictor | t+48 |
IsHoliday | Binary indicator for holiday (1 is holiday, 0 for common days) | Predictor | t+48 |
Our goal is to predict next 48 steps (days) of sales. We do assume that information about holiday, marketing campaign, or open/close is available throughout the whole prediction horizon.
CSV files used in experiment can be downloaded here.
This is synthetic dataset that was generated solely for the purpose of this use case. Values were generated by following simple heuristics, assuming presence of seasonality, trend, randomness, relationship between sales, weekday, etc. Similar dataset can be found on Kaggle website.
def read_datasets( path_to_dir ):
datasets = dict()
for f in os.listdir( path_to_dir ):
store_id_ = int( f.replace('.csv','') )
df_ = pd.read_csv( os.path.join( path_to_dir, f ) )
datasets[ store_id_ ] = df_
return datasets
datasets = read_datasets( 'data_synthetic_2' )
stores = list( datasets.keys() )
Preview data from the first dataset.
datasets[ stores[0] ]
Date | Sales | IsHoliday | IsOpen | IsCampaign | |
0 | 2012-11-15 | 17457.803034 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 2012-11-16 | 16190.353214 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
2 | 2012-11-17 | 21790.792059 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
3 | 2012-11-18 | 0.000000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 2012-11-19 | 27599.119245 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1091 | 2015-11-11 | 24701.488646 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1092 | 2015-11-12 | 18658.955443 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1093 | 2015-11-13 | 15373.153422 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1094 | 2015-11-14 | 16241.869082 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1095 | 2015-11-15 | 0.000000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1096 rows × 5 columns
sample_store_data = datasets[ stores[0] ].iloc[:7*12]
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = sample_store_data.index, y = sample_store_data['Sales'], name=stores[0] ) )
fig.update_layout( height = 700, width = 1200, title='Sales' )
Parameters of data relevant to our scenario.
target_column = 'Sales'
timestamp_column = 'Date'
prediction_horizon = 48
Helper functions below are brought in for evaluation of results.
# MAPE metric
def mean_absolute_percent_error( actual, predicted ):
# exclude 0 values
temp = [ (x[ 0 ], x[ 1 ]) for x in zip(actual ,predicted) if x[ 0 ]!=0 ]
actual, predicted = zip( *temp )
actual, predicted = np.array( actual ), np.array( predicted )
mape = np.mean( abs( actual - predicted ) / actual )
return mape
# RMSPE metric
def root_mean_square_percent_error(actual, predicted):
# exclude 0 values
temp = [ (x[ 0 ], x[ 1 ]) for x in zip(actual ,predicted) if x[ 0 ]!=0 ]
actual, predicted = zip( *temp )
actual, predicted = np.array(actual), np.array(predicted)
rmspe = np.sqrt( np.mean( np.square( ( (actual - predicted) / actual) ), axis=0) )
return rmspe
# Return all metrics for given evaluation dataframe
def extract_metrics( eval_data, target_column ):
if target_column not in eval_data.columns:
raise ValueError( 'Missing %c in evaluation data' % ( target_column ) )
if target_column+'_pred' not in eval_data.columns:
raise ValueError( 'Missing %c in evaluation data' % ( target_column+'_pred' ) )
y = eval_data[ target_column ]
y_pred = eval_data[ target_column+'_pred']
rmse = np.sqrt( mean_squared_error( y, y_pred ) )
mae = mean_absolute_error( y, y_pred )
mape = mean_absolute_percent_error( y, y_pred )
rmspe = root_mean_square_percent_error(y, y_pred )
return { 'RMSE': rmse, 'MAE': mae, 'MAPE': mape, 'RMSPE': rmspe }
def make_report( results ):
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict( results, orient='index').describe()
Helper functions to extract/collect results.
def extract_eval_data_from_tim_result( prediction, data, target_column ):
prediction['Date'] = pd.to_datetime( )
prediction.reset_index( drop=True, inplace=True )
prediction = prediction[ ['Date','Prediction'] ]
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime( data['Date'] )
filter_actual_ = data['Date'].isin( prediction['Date'] )
actual_values = data[filter_actual_]
actual_values = actual_values[ ['Date',target_column] ]
result = prediction.merge(actual_values, on='Date')
result = result.rename( columns={'Prediction': target_column+'_pred'} )
return result
def extract_explanations_from_tim_result( predictors_importances ):
simple_importances = None
if 'simpleImportances' in predictors_importances.keys():
simple_importances = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( predictors_importances['simpleImportances'], orient='columns' )
extended_importances = None
if 'extendedImportances' in predictors_importances.keys():
extended_importances_temp = predictors_importances['extendedImportances']
extended_importances_temp = sorted( extended_importances_temp, key = lambda i: i['importance'], reverse=True )
extended_importances = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( extended_importances_temp )
return { 'simple': simple_importances, 'extended': extended_importances }
Prepare data before they are sent to TIM -- apply N/A to the last 48 values of target vector (column).
def prepare_data( data, timestamp_column, target_column, prediction_horizon ):
data_for_prediction = data.copy()
data_for_prediction.iloc[ -prediction_horizon:, [1] ] = np.nan
return data_for_prediction
The only parameters that need to be set are:
We also ask for additional data from engine to see details of sub-models so we define extendedOutputConfiguration parameter as well.
tim_engine_configuration = { 'usage': {
'predictionTo': {
'baseUnit': 'Sample',
'offset': prediction_horizon
'backtestLength': 0
'extendedOutputConfiguration': {
'returnExtendedImportances': True
We will run forecast for each dataset, collect results, and at the end evaluate results in consolidated view.
Along the way, we examine insights returned by TIM for one sample store.
def build_model_predict( data_for_prediction, data, engine_settings ):
backtest = api_client.prediction_build_model_predict( data_for_prediction, engine_settings )
print( 'Status: ', backtest.status )
print( 'Result explanations: ', backtest.result_explanations )
print( '---------------' )
eval_data = extract_eval_data_from_tim_result( backtest.prediction, data, target_column )
metrics = extract_metrics( eval_data, target_column )
explanations = extract_explanations_from_tim_result( backtest.predictors_importances )
return eval_data, metrics, explanations
result_eval_data, result_metrics, result_explanations, result_durations = dict(), dict(), dict(), dict()
progress = 1
for store_id in stores:
if store_id in list( result_metrics.keys() ): continue
progress_pct = '{0:.1f}%'.format( progress / len( stores ) * 100)
print( 'Starting store:', store_id )
start_time_ = time.time()
d = datasets[ store_id ].copy()
data_for_tim = prepare_data( d, timestamp_column, target_column, prediction_horizon )
e_d_, m_, e_ = build_model_predict( data_for_tim, d, tim_engine_configuration )
result_eval_data[ store_id ] = e_d_
result_metrics[ store_id ] = m_
result_explanations[ store_id ] = e_
result_durations[ store_id ] = time.time() - start_time_
print( 'Progress:', progress_pct )
progress += 1
Starting store: 4 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 2.0% Starting store: 37 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 4.0% Starting store: 10 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 6.0% Starting store: 34 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 8.0% Starting store: 12 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 10.0% Starting store: 24 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 12.0% Starting store: 3 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 14.0% Starting store: 45 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 16.0% Starting store: 18 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 18.0% Starting store: 26 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 20.0% Starting store: 6 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 22.0% Starting store: 29 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 24.0% Starting store: 8 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 26.0% Starting store: 17 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 28.0% Starting store: 20 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 30.0% Starting store: 19 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 32.0% Starting store: 0 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 34.0% Starting store: 38 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 36.0% Starting store: 13 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 38.0% Starting store: 21 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 40.0% Starting store: 39 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 42.0% Starting store: 15 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 44.0% Starting store: 5 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 46.0% Starting store: 32 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 48.0% Starting store: 48 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 50.0% Starting store: 40 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 52.0% Starting store: 46 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 54.0% Starting store: 35 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 56.0% Starting store: 41 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 58.0% Starting store: 27 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 60.0% Starting store: 33 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 62.0% Starting store: 1 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 64.0% Starting store: 42 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 66.0% Starting store: 44 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 68.0% Starting store: 47 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 70.0% Starting store: 30 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 72.0% Starting store: 23 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 74.0% Starting store: 31 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 76.0% Starting store: 22 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 78.0% Starting store: 2 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 80.0% Starting store: 43 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 82.0% Starting store: 49 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 84.0% Starting store: 28 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 86.0% Starting store: 7 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 88.0% Starting store: 16 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 90.0% Starting store: 14 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 92.0% Starting store: 9 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 94.0% Starting store: 25 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 96.0% Starting store: 36 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 98.0% Starting store: 11 Status: Finished Result explanations: [] --------------- Progress: 100.0%
results = { 'eval_data': result_eval_data, 'metrics':result_metrics, 'explanations':result_explanations, 'durations':result_durations }
Results for out-of-sample interval.
sample_store = stores[0]
focus_df = results['eval_data'][ sample_store ]
fig = go.Figure()
x_axis = focus_df[ timestamp_column ]
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = x_axis, y = focus_df[ target_column ], name=target_column ) )
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = x_axis, y = focus_df[ target_column+'_pred'], name=target_column+'_pred' ) )
fig.update_layout( height = 700, width = 1200, title='Actual vs. predicted' )
results['metrics'][ sample_store ]
{'RMSE': 2283.9537791175253, 'MAE': 1837.9248032864377, 'MAPE': 0.11193601807691991, 'RMSPE': 0.1301323412496775}
TIM offers the view on which predictors are considered as important. Simple and extended importances are available for you to see to what extent each predictor contributes in explaining variance of target variable.
simple_importances = results['explanations'][ sample_store ]['simple']
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x = simple_importances['predictorName'],
y = simple_importances['importance'] )
title='Simple importances'
extended_importances = results['explanations'][ sample_store ]['extended']
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x = extended_importances[ extended_importances['time'] == '[1]' ]['termName'],
y = extended_importances[ extended_importances['time'] == '[1]' ]['importance'] )
title='Importances for the model used for predictions of the 1st point in prediction horizon',
height = 700,
width = 1000
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x = extended_importances[ extended_importances['time'] == '[6]' ]['termName'],
y = extended_importances[ extended_importances['time'] == '[6]' ]['importance'] )
title='Importances for the model used for predictions of the 6th point in prediction horizon',
height = 700,
width = 1000
Let's see how consolidated results look like for all forecasts.
make_report( results['metrics'] )
count | 50.000000 | 50.000000 | 50.000000 | 50.000000 |
mean | 1043.575772 | 799.979135 | 0.084623 | 0.102138 |
std | 962.818279 | 740.563755 | 0.016305 | 0.020395 |
min | 242.793187 | 189.152381 | 0.062741 | 0.072441 |
25% | 308.316449 | 229.002390 | 0.071893 | 0.087856 |
50% | 389.944103 | 304.977412 | 0.081462 | 0.099716 |
75% | 2167.450616 | 1618.720878 | 0.095476 | 0.115179 |
max | 2659.313838 | 2141.008241 | 0.132118 | 0.156156 |
residuals = list()
for k, ed in results['eval_data'].items():
ed['err'] = ed[ target_column ] - ed[ target_column+'_pred' ]
residuals.extend( ed['err'].values )
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace( go.Histogram( x=residuals ) )
fig.update_layout( height = 700, width = 900, title='Residuals combined')
make_report( results['durations'] )
0 | |
count | 50.000000 |
mean | 20.584782 |
std | 1.820380 |
min | 16.450409 |
25% | 19.605531 |
50% | 19.678936 |
75% | 22.738789 |
max | 22.993540 |
We demonstrated how TIM can be used to predict values for vast number of entities in your operations - store sales.
TIM is capable to generate new model and calculate prediction for each store individually in couple of seconds (20 sec. on average in our case).
What's more important, there is no additional effort needed to transition to operations (e.g. to compile or deploy models into containers, develop/configure API etc.), just bring your data and get forecast, all tech. is already in place, ready to scale with your business.