Accelerating adaption of electric vehicles (EVs) is driving improvements of battery technologies at rocket speed. We have not seen such progress in decades. Bigger capacities, faster charging and longer lifespan of batteries are in focus. It is not only EVs that challenge battery status quo. Smartphones, batteries installed at households, and other areas would benefit from progress in this field.
Until capacities of batteries increase substantially, the information about how much time left till complete battery discharge is critical to everyone. This parameter depends on how vehicle or device is used, what is profile of load, environmental conditions etc. Knowing how much time is left helps us to plan further actions e.g., to re-plan route, charging etc.
In our use case, we will demonstrate how TIM can predict time left till discharge.
TIM can be deployed on edge, and scale, there are multiple scenarios of deployment, from device level or (at scale) in cloud to which vast battery grids could be connected.
Business objective: | Process optimization |
Business value: | Operational decisions timed more accurately |
KPI: | - |
Business objective: | Improved quality of products |
Business value: | Greater value and utility delivered to customers |
KPI: | - |
import logging
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
import json
import datetime
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
import math
import tim_client
with open('credentials.json') as f:
credentials_json = json.load(f) # loading the credentials from credentials.json
TIM_URL = '' # URL to which the requests are sent
SAVE_JSON = False # if True - JSON requests and responses are saved to JSON_SAVING_FOLDER
JSON_SAVING_FOLDER = 'logs/' # folder where the requests and responses are stored
level = logging.getLevelName(LOGGING_LEVEL)
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
credentials = tim_client.Credentials(credentials_json['license_key'], credentials_json['email'], credentials_json['password'], tim_url=TIM_URL)
api_client = tim_client.ApiClient(credentials)
results = dict()
Data contain measurements of multiple Li-ion batteries used in charge/discharge experiment.
Batteries were continuously operated in cycles - charging, discharging, resting cycles with various modifications. Our focus was on discharging with current charging randomly (random walk), current setpoints were selected from 4.5A, 3.75A, 3A, 2.25A, 1.5A and 0.75A.
During the experiment, each selected current setpoint was applied until either the battery voltage went down to 3.2V or 5 minutes passed, however we wanted to focus solely on natural discharge events, not timeouts, thus we selected the later part of original data where barttery aging/degradation was already visible.
Data were resampled from original sampling (almost regular 1-second) to regular 5-second basis with mean aggregation.
Data may contain gaps, this is the case mainly for dataset with merged data from multiple batteries (of the same type and parameters). During the experiments, distribution of current to which batteries were exposed to was different. Merging such data means higher variance of values but at the same time makes models built more stable.
Column name | Description | Type | Availability |
timestamp | Absolute time stamp of sample | Timestamp column | |
remaining_time_in_cycle | Time left till discharge in seconds | Target | t-1 |
temperature | Temperature of battery (Celsius) | Predictor | t+0 |
current | Current measured in Amps | Predictor | t+0 |
voltage | Voltage measured in Volts | Predictor | t+0 |
voltage_cumsum | Cummulative sum of voltage within given cycle (Volts) | Predictor | t+0 |
capacity_removed | Removed capacity within given cycle (current x timeframe) | Predictor | t+0 |
capacity_removed_cumulative | Cumulative capacity reduced within given cycle | Predictor | t+0 |
remaining_time_in_cycle was calculated as time left (at timestamp t) until voltage reached close to 3.2V which is basically end of cycle.
Ambient temperature values are not provided, although it is known that for RW10 it was "room temperature", while for RW25 and RW21 it was "approximately 40°C".
The original file was obtained in Matlab format, it was transformed into CSV, enhanced with additional information derived from original data (capacity removed column and cumsum columns), and filtered to random discharge cycles only.
To demonstrate results for out-of-sample interval, dataset was resampled to regular sampling so it was possible to match timestamps and calculate residuals. Technically, TIM is capable to work with any kind of sampling, spanning from milliseconds, irregularly sampled data, data with gaps etc.
TIM detects forecasting situation from current "shape" of data, i.e. if values for target and predictors end at particular timestamp it would assume this pattern of availability also for the model building and calculation of out-of-sample values.
Our forecasting situation assumes values for all predictors to be available at time t except target. We frame the problem as the calculation of target value based on predictors values. Also we will not rely on any lagged values for target.
CSV files used in experiments can be downloaded here.
Raw dataset was obtained at NASA Prognostics Center of Excellence website.
B. Bole, C. Kulkarni, and M. Daigle "Randomized Battery Usage Data Set", NASA Ames Prognostics Data Repository (, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. Analysis of a similar dataset is published in: Brian Bole, Chetan Kulkarni, and Matthew Daigle, "Adaptation of an Electrochemistry-based Li-Ion Battery Model to Account for Deterioration Observed Under Randomized Use", in the proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2014
datafiles ={
'RW10': 'datasets/battery_discharge_r_RW10.csv',
'RW25': 'datasets/battery_discharge_r_RW25.csv',
'RW21': 'datasets/battery_discharge_r_RW21.csv',
'merged': 'datasets/merged_r_RW10_RW25_RW21.csv',
results = dict()
# NOTE: start re-run of each iteration by changing key to CSV file
FOCUS = 'RW10'
data = tim_client.load_dataset_from_csv_file( datafiles.get(FOCUS), sep=',' )
timestamp | remaining_time_in_cycle | voltage | current | temperature | capacity_removed | capacity_removed_cumsum | voltage_cumsum | |
20284 | 2014-06-02 06:07:10 | 9.650 | 3.24200 | 2.250200 | 36.484470 | 2.250200 | 83.250000 | 126.624200 |
20285 | 2014-06-02 06:07:15 | 4.650 | 3.22000 | 2.249600 | 36.533760 | 2.249600 | 94.499200 | 142.767800 |
20286 | 2014-06-02 06:07:20 | 0.575 | 3.19625 | 2.592750 | 36.580737 | 1.490375 | 77.425875 | 117.499750 |
20287 | 2014-06-02 06:07:25 | 5.150 | 3.26900 | 2.251333 | 36.628223 | 1.500000 | 2.250000 | 6.567333 |
20288 | 2014-06-02 06:07:30 | NaN | 3.20960 | 2.249800 | 36.650810 | 1.867130 | 10.865730 | 19.448200 |
(20289, 8)
prediction_horizon = 1
target_column = 'remaining_time_in_cycle'
timestamp_column = 'timestamp'
def apply_regular_timeline( df, sec, timestamp_column ):
vis_df = df.copy()
vis_df[ timestamp_column ] = pd.to_datetime( vis_df[ timestamp_column ] )
vis_df.set_index( timestamp_column, inplace=True )
timestamps = [ vis_df.index.min() + i * datetime.timedelta( seconds=sec ) for i in range( int( ( vis_df.index.max() - vis_df.index.min() ).total_seconds()/sec ) + 1 ) ]
temp_df = pd.DataFrame( { timestamp_column: timestamps } )
temp_df.set_index( timestamp_column, inplace=True )
vis_df = temp_df.join( vis_df )
vis_df[ timestamp_column ] = vis_df.index
return vis_df.reset_index( drop=True )
last_n = 10000
vis_df = apply_regular_timeline( data.iloc[-last_n:], 5, timestamp_column )
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = vis_df[ timestamp_column ], y = vis_df[ target_column ], name=target_column ) )
fig.update_layout( height = 700, width = 1200, title='Target visualization (last '+str(last_n)+' records)' )
Parameters that need to be set are:
We also ask for additional data from engine to see details of sub-models so we define extendedOutputConfiguration parameter as well.
backtest_length = int( data.shape[0] * .3 )
configuration_backtest = {
'usage': {
'predictionTo': {
'baseUnit': 'Sample',
'offset': prediction_horizon
'modelQuality': [ {'day':0, 'quality':'Medium'} ],
'backtestLength': backtest_length
#'allowOffsets': False,
'extendedOutputConfiguration': {
'returnExtendedImportances': True,
We will run experiments for different datasets, they differ by distribution of values for current and data derived from it.
Results for accuracy and plot are shown in Evaluation section at the bottom.
backtest = api_client.prediction_build_model_predict( data, configuration_backtest )
[{'index': 1, 'message': 'Predictor remaining_time_in_cycle has a value missing for timestamp 2014-05-29 09:31:55.'}, {'index': 2, 'message': 'There are 495 gaps with median length 39.0 in your target. Consider changing the imputation length to enable more transformations.'}]
Simple and extended importances are available for you to see to what extent each predictor contributes in explaining variance of target variable.
simple_importances = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( backtest.predictors_importances['simpleImportances'], orient='columns' )
importance | predictorName | |
0 | 34.99 | voltage |
1 | 21.97 | capacity_removed_cumsum |
2 | 19.28 | current |
3 | 15.27 | voltage_cumsum |
4 | 7.41 | capacity_removed |
5 | 1.07 | temperature |
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x = simple_importances['predictorName'],
y = simple_importances['importance'] ) )
fig.update_layout( width = 1200, height = 700, title='Simple importances' )
extended_importances_temp = backtest.predictors_importances['extendedImportances']
extended_importances_temp = sorted( extended_importances_temp, key = lambda i: i['importance'], reverse=True )
extended_importances = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( extended_importances_temp )
time | type | termName | importance | |
0 | [1] | Interaction | (voltage(t) - 3.25)⁺ & (-capacity_removed_cums... | 22.42 |
1 | [1] | Interaction | (current(t) - 1.50)⁺ & (voltage(t) - 3.25)⁺ | 10.25 |
2 | [1] | Interaction | (-capacity_removed_cumsum(t) + 211.67)⁺ & (-vo... | 7.24 |
3 | [1] | Interaction | (voltage(t) - 3.25)⁺ & (-voltage(t) + 3.58)⁺ | 6.84 |
4 | [1] | Interaction | (voltage_cumsum(t) - 432.03)⁺ & voltage_cumsum | 6.80 |
5 | [1] | Interaction | current & (-capacity_removed_cumsum(t) + 211.67)⁺ | 6.14 |
6 | [1] | Interaction | (current(t) - 2.25)⁺ & capacity_removed | 3.61 |
7 | [1] | Interaction | (voltage_cumsum(t) - 432.03)⁺ & (-capacity_rem... | 3.54 |
8 | [1] | Interaction | capacity_removed & (-voltage(t) + 3.58)⁺ | 3.30 |
9 | [1] | Interaction | (-voltage(t) + 3.36)⁺ & voltage_cumsum | 3.17 |
10 | [1] | Interaction | voltage_cumsum & voltage(t-1) | 3.14 |
11 | [1] | Interaction | capacity_removed_cumsum & (voltage(t) - 3.25)⁺ | 2.95 |
12 | [1] | Interaction | (current(t) - 1.50)⁺ & (-capacity_removed_cums... | 2.89 |
13 | [1] | Interaction | capacity_removed_cumsum & capacity_removed | 2.86 |
14 | [1] | Interaction | (-capacity_removed_cumsum(t) + 211.67)⁺ & (-vo... | 2.68 |
15 | [1] | Interaction | (voltage_cumsum(t) - 432.03)⁺ & (-voltage(t) +... | 2.60 |
16 | [1] | Interaction | current & (-voltage(t) + 3.58)⁺ | 2.55 |
17 | [1] | Interaction | (voltage_cumsum(t) - 432.03)⁺ & (-voltage(t) +... | 2.41 |
18 | [1] | Interaction | (-voltage(t) + 3.36)⁺ & current | 2.40 |
19 | [1] | Interaction | capacity_removed & current(t-1) | 2.21 |
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x = extended_importances[ extended_importances['time'] == '[1]' ]['termName'],
y = extended_importances[ extended_importances['time'] == '[1]' ]['importance'] ) )
title='Model features sorted by importance',
width = 1200,
height = 700
Results for out-of-sample interval.
def build_evaluation_data( backtest, data, timestamp_column, target_column ):
out_of_sample_predictions = backtest.aggregated_predictions[1]['values']
out_of_sample_predictions.rename( columns = {'Prediction':target_column+'_pred'}, inplace=True)
out_of_sample_timestamps = out_of_sample_predictions.index.tolist()
evaluation_data = data.copy()
evaluation_data[ timestamp_column ] = pd.to_datetime(data[ timestamp_column ]).dt.tz_localize('UTC')
evaluation_data = evaluation_data[ evaluation_data[ timestamp_column ].isin( out_of_sample_timestamps ) ]
evaluation_data.set_index( timestamp_column,inplace=True)
evaluation_data = evaluation_data[ [ target_column ] ]
evaluation_data = evaluation_data.join( out_of_sample_predictions )
return evaluation_data
def plot_results( e ):
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = e.index, y = e.iloc[:,1], name=e.columns[1] ) )
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = e.index, y = e.iloc[:,0], name=e.columns[0] ) )
fig.update_yaxes( range=[ int( e.iloc[:,0].min()*0.33 ) ,int( e.iloc[:,0].max()*1.5 ) ] )
fig.update_layout( height = 700, width = 1200, title='Actual vs. predicted' )
e = build_evaluation_data( backtest, data, timestamp_column, target_column )
e['timestamp'] = e.index
e['timestamp'] = e['timestamp'].apply( lambda x: datetime.datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) )
# e
e = apply_regular_timeline( e, 5, 'timestamp')
{'MAE': 15.83182040866166, 'MSE': 992.6355711814798, 'MAPE': 271.6063984370307, 'RMSE': 31.506119583050527}
results[FOCUS] = backtest.aggregated_predictions[1]['accuracyMetrics'] # store results for overview
Zoom-in chart to compare actual vs. predicted values.
Iteration with "RW21" dataset
Iteration with "RW25" dataset
Iteration with "RW10" dataset
Iteration with "merged" dataset
merged | RW10 | RW25 | RW21 | |
MAE | 6.489112 | 15.831820 | 1.549011 | 1.009662 |
MSE | 71.892082 | 992.635571 | 17.188447 | 6.530812 |
MAPE | 45.330211 | 271.606398 | 13.596176 | 5.445381 |
RMSE | 8.478920 | 31.506120 | 4.145895 | 2.555545 |
We demonstrated how TIM, with default mathematical settings, can predict time left until battery discharge.
This use case can be further altered by brining additional data e.g., ambient temperature, more load information, etc. and at the same time experiment with reduction of sensory measurements from dataset. This would bring benefits to manufacturers of batteries as eliminating sensors means cheaper production.
In this use case we worked with (almost) the same dataset as use case demonstrating forecasting of battery temperature, we encourage you to check that one as well.